
A thin JSON-RPC wrapper for interacting with chains and Blocto wallet.

Blocto SDK comes with an Petra (Aptos official wallet) API-compatible provider, you can use it to interact with Aptos network.

Note that Blocto SDK for Aptos is still in Beta. APIs are subject to breaking changes.


Install from npm/yarn

$ yarn add @blocto/sdk

... or via CDN

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

Get App ID

It's required to register an app id before using Blocto SDK, check out the Register App ID section


Initiate the Blocto provider

import BloctoSDK from '@blocto/sdk'

const bloctoSDK = new BloctoSDK({
    aptos: {
        // (required) chainId to be used
        chainId: 1,
    // (required) Blocto app ID
    appId: 'YOUR_BLOCTO_APP_ID',

Blocto Provider parameters


const bloctoSDK = new BloctoSDK({
    aptos: {
        chainId: 1,
    appId: 'YOUR_BLOCTO_APP_ID',

Connect to Blocto wallet

Once the connection request is fired, there would be a prompt modal to guide user to register/login to Blocto wallet

const {
  address, // address of the connected account
  publicKey, // public keys (array) of the multi-sig account
  authKey, // authentication key
} = await bloctoSDK.aptos.connect()

After connecting with Blocto wallet, you can start to interact with Aptos blockchain with Blocto provider.

Last updated