Connect to Blocto wallet through Flow Client Library (FCL)
Step 1 - Configure FCL
import*as fcl from"@blocto/fcl";fcl.config({"accessNode.api":"",// connect to Flow testnet"discovery.wallet":`${YOUR_DAPP_ID}/flow/authn`// use Blocto testnet wallet});
Alternatively, if you already have user's email and would like to pre-fill it for user's Blocto account, you can use the custom discovery.wallet URL instead:
import*as fcl from"@blocto/fcl";constUSER_EMAIL="";fcl.config({"accessNode.api":"",// connect to Flow testnet"discovery.wallet":`${YOUR_DAPP_ID}/flow/authn/${USER_EMAIL}`// use Blocto testnet wallet});
Step 2 - Authenticate
import*as fcl from"@blocto/fcl";// fires everytime account connection status updatesfcl.currentUser().subscribe(console.log);// authenticatefcl.authenticate();
Step 3 - Unauthenticate
import*as fcl from"@blocto/fcl";// fires everytime account connection status updatesfcl.currentUser().subscribe(console.log);// unauthenticate and clear account info in FCLfcl.unauthenticate();