Integrate with Wagmi
You can easily use Blocto on Wagmi
Wagmi is a collection of React Hooks containing everything you need to start working with Ethereum. Wagmi makes it easy to "Connect Wallet," display ENS and balance information, sign messages, interact with contracts, and much more — all with caching, request deduplication, and persistence.
Install from npm/yarn/pnpm
Create config with Blocto
parametersParamter | Type | Description | Required |
| String | Blocto dApp ID | NO |
Blocto supportedChains
Mainnet | Testnet |
Ethereum | Sepolia |
Arbitrum | ArbitrumSepolia |
Optimism | OptimismSepolia |
Polygon | Amoy |
Binance | BinanceTestnet |
Avalanche | AvalancheFuji |
Base | BaseSepolia |
Zora | ZoraTestnet |
Scroll | ScrollSepolia |
Wrap app with <WagmiConfig />
and <QueryClientProvider />
<WagmiConfig />
and <QueryClientProvider />
Use Blocto with Wagmi
Sample Code
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