Connect to Blocto Wallet

Connecting to wallet is being called authentication or authn in FCL

Make sure you have set the configuration in Getting Started first.

There are two different ways to connect wallet:

  • Normal log in and retrieve user's flow account address.

using Flow.FCL;



using Flow.FCL;

fcl.Login((currentUser,  accountProofData) => {

When login completed, will call lambda to update UI if you have passing lambda parameter.

  • Log in with account proof data to retrieve user's flow account address along with account proof.

If dApp chooses to ask user for user's authentication in this way, and the user approves the signing of message data, it will return user's flow account address with accountProofData that can be used to prove a user controls an on-chain account.

using Flow.FCL;

var accountProofData = new AccountProofData
                           AppId = "{your app name}",
                           Nonce = KeyGenerator.GetUniqueKey(32).StringToHex()
    accountProofData: accountProofData,
    callback: ((currentUser,  accountProofData) => {

fcl.authanticate is also called behide fcl.login() with accountProofData set to null.

Both method above store address under fcl.currentUser , you can easy to get user address or account proof data just simply call as below.

var userWalletAddress = fcl.CurrentUser()?.Addr.Address;

To get user address or account proof after user authenticated, just simply call as below.

var accountProof = fcl.CurrentUser()?.AccountProofData;

Verify account proof

Cadence has a built-in function called verify that will verify a signature against a Flow account given the account address.

FCL-Unity includes a utility function in AppUtility, verifyAccountProof, for verifying one or more account proof signatures against an account's public key on the Flow blockchain.

using Flow.FCL;

   accountProofData: accountProofData, 
   callback: ((currentUser,  accountProofData) => {
                  var appUtil = new AppUtility(gameObject, new ResolveUtility());
                  var isVerify = appUtil.VerifyAccountProofSignature(
                      appIdentifier: accountProofData!.AppId,
                      accountProofData: accountProofData,
                      fclCryptoContract: BLOCTO_FCLCRYPTO_CONTRACT_ADDRESS);


input parameter appIdentifier should be exactly same with AccountProofData 's appId above. They should all be a human readable string.

Last updated

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