Web3 Provider Integration (Solana)

Getting Encrypted User IDs From your Web App

Blocto injects a global API into websites at window.bloctoProvider and window.solana at the same time.

Please contact Blocto team to get your app ID.

Register Push Notification

if (window.solana && window.solana.isBlocto) {
  try {
    let encryptedUserId = await window.solana.request({
       method: 'registerPushNotification',
       params: {
         appId: '{appId}'
    // send encryptedUserId to your backend
  } catch(e) {
    // error handling
    // e.mesage: see the below

Error Handling

  • blocked: user clicked the block button.

  • cancelled: user clicked the cancel button.

  • noNetworkConnection: no network connection.

  • appIdNotExist: your app id doesn't exist.

  • internal: wallet app internal error. Please contact us.

Last updated

Change request #370: docs: add web sdk v0.5.0 ERC-4337 docs