Sign Message and Verify

Sign and verify challenges for off-chain authentication

Note that Blocto SDK for EVM-compatible chains is still in Beta. APIs are subject to breaking changes.

Install from npm/yarn

$ yarn add @blocto/sdk

Use web3.js

import Web3 from "web3";
import BloctoSDK from "@blocto/sdk";

const bloctoSDK = new BloctoSDK({
  ethereum: {
    chainId: "0xa4b1", // (required) chainId to be used
    rpc: `` // (required for Ethereum) JSON RPC endpoint

const web3 = new Web3(bloctoSDK.ethereum);

const handleSignMessage = () => {
  web3.eth.sign(message, address);

Verify Signature (personal.sign)

For dApps relying on signMessage for off-chain authentication, Blocto follows ERC-1271 and ERC-191. To verify the signature, you need to call a method on the wallet contract to check if the signature came from a rightful owner of the wallet contract.

  • For single-sig wallet like MetaMask, there is only one signature returned and it's 65 bytes, e.g., 0xca5955c4098c061254ee83deda2b50ad9209beb3af41ca405578409646134bfb2963866d6d4a814e669e028c178e87c77a1aff1b39f5bac4eb84d90740e6b8511c

  • For multi-sig wallet like Blocto, there are two signatures returned and their combined size is 130 bytes, e.g., 0x0cf4603f53d0cdb797cd355d94b2d9473c5d67f93fafd99336d7525c8b6a2c262d8369949e98208433051f6386afa75d3071401a332a024fcfa418bcb9f0c6201b1bc91252375039bbd94e50c1f9caf7bf6e31dc6fadf3371592df73aeb2f4637f686ce3fc4d77c55749e9cd623eba126ea5632046d88c4286957d4d622168dda11c from smart contract account 0xAD75944Fb47Db43dE12867eC9B48C40FEdF4d8E8.

We have built the tools to carry out this verification:

Use it in your dApps (usually on backend):

Don't forget to update the RPC URL to current network.

package main

import (


// AuthenticationHandler ..
type AuthenticationHandler struct {
	client *ethclient.Client

// NewAuthenticationHandler ..
func NewAuthenticationHandler(rawurl string) (*AuthenticationHandler, error) {
	client, err := ethclient.Dial(rawurl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &AuthenticationHandler{client: client}, nil

// ServeHTTP serves just a single route for authentication as an example
func (a *AuthenticationHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	challenge := r.PostFormValue("challenge")
	signature := r.PostFormValue("signature")
	addrHex := r.PostFormValue("addrHex")

	authenticator := dappauth.NewAuthenticator(r.Context(), a.client)
	isAuthorizedSigner, err := authenticator.IsAuthorizedSigner(challenge, signature, addrHex)
	if err != nil {
		// return a 5XX status code
	if !isAuthorizedSigner{
		// return a 4XX status code

	// create an authenticated session for address
	// return a 2XX status code

func main() {
	handler, err := NewAuthenticationHandler("")
	if err != nil {

	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", handler))


PersonalSign Technical Details

According to ERC-191 and ERC-1271, when receiving personalSign request with message, Blocto will sign:

0x19 + 0x0 + [User’s wallet address] + hash(0x19 + 0x45 (E) + thereum Signed Message: + len(message) + message)

Verify Signature (typed data sign)

According to ERC-191 and ERC-1271, when receiving typeDataSign request, Blocto will sign:

0x19 + 0x0 + [User’s wallet address] + [typed-data-hash]


Migration Guide for dApps which Follow the Old Protocol ERC-1654

Please check the doc.

Last updated

Change request #370: docs: add web sdk v0.5.0 ERC-4337 docs