Getting Started

Initialize FCL and add Blocto as a wallet provider

In this guide we will show you prerequisite for Blocto Flow SDK.

A sample app is available at:


Add the dependency below to your module's build.gradle file

dependencies {
    implementation "com.portto.fcl:$fclVersion"


Add FCL content provider to AndroidManifest.xml.


To initialize FCL, call Fcl.init().

    env = Network.TESTNET,
    appDetail = AppDetail("My first dApp"),
    supportedWallets = walletProviderList

FCL requires some essential information for initialization:

  • env: The network on which the app was built. i.e. Network.TESTNET or Network.MAINNET

  • appDetail (optional): The information of the app.

  • supportedWallets: A list of wallet providers supported by the app.

Wallet Provider

A wallet provider is the instance of a Flow wallet. The following is an example of adding Blocto as a wallet provider.

val walletProviderList = listOf(Blocto.getInstance(YOUR_BLOCTO_APP_ID))

    env = Network.TESTNET,
    appDetail = AppDetail(),
    supportedWallets = walletProviderList

To obtain a Blocto App ID, please refer to the instructions.

If you initialize FCL with Network.TESTNET, FCL utilizes Blocto testing App ID; Likewise, if you initialize FCL with Network.MAINNET, FCL utilizes Blocto production App ID.

Last updated

Change request #370: docs: add web sdk v0.5.0 ERC-4337 docs